Friday, March 2, 2007

The punkest thing....

I chose this for my entry because it is the thing that I have knit that makes me feel the punkest! It is my r2 sweater. I love this sweater - it is the first sweater I ever knit without any help that did not have mismatched sleeves and end up as rags and it was the first thing I ever felted. I loved the yarn, the book that the sweater came out of is very cool - which made me feel more punk as I was knitting this monstrosity in black. But mostly that the sweater was made to wear with my skinny jeans... flash back to younger days of punk. Finally, I love that it is kind of funky sheer asymetrical with ribbon and panels kinda here and there. I have since deleted all the photos of this sweater so you will have to go to my old blog and check it out. Especially, since I am too lazy to have my husband help me take another (possibly better) photo of it!

Let me just say, as part of what punk is to me. Now to me, punk is about keeping your originality and your values in the face of a world that is being taken over by big box stores and people who have not thought enough about life to realize that you can take a stand everyday in the things that you purchase, use, don't use/purchase, and the life that you live - you may not change the world, but you will make a difference in a small way. Punk is about being connected and creative and expressing those things freely. There is definately a lot of green (eco not cash) and a little hippy in my punk. I think that everyone here in the exchange is punk - everyone has chosen to set themselves apart, think creatively and do something a little different. It no longer means purple hair - although I have had that in the last three months - and a mosh pit, more that you want to look at things from a different angle and re-write the rules - or the pattern. So please, when you look at the contest, don't say I have never knit anything punk, look at what you have knit and modified the pattern of, or what makes you feel a little different or what you are so proud of because it is the coolest thing that you have ever produced with your own hands. We are all punk!


KatnZoey said...

o my, i luv that sweater and i luv ur definition of punk. we are all punk in our own ways, and i agree with the fact that we dont need purple hair to be punk, originality and values is key :) cool post.

Alison said...

Love the sweater and ADORE the R2 range!It is just such a great experimental thing. Thanks for being a great hostess too.

Zenknitter LesleyD said...

Sunne I love your definition of punk. I LOVE that sweater!!!!! You so rock!!!

roxtarc said...

yeah... you know how much i love that sweater. so very cool & punk you!


Anonymous said...

It's interesting to hear your take on punk, and I wonder about others' as well. I named myself "punk" with a mohawk at 14, 1985 - and even then everyone was saying that punk was dead (it died in 1981, apparently). But, to me it was everything because it was the way I felt that I could be myself for the first time. There was a lot about the punk scene at the time which I didn't adopt (sometimes because I couldn't get access to the bad stuff, thankfully).
In 2002 I got my second mohawk at 30, and it was the same bloody experience - I was suddenly more happy in a way I could finally understand. When I dress like this, people (including me) seem to "see" me in a way I prefer. It helps me live in a city and feel good, if you can believe it. Plus, I like friends who say "fuck" too much.