Saturday, March 31, 2007

Mah Goodies, Mah Goodies

Okay y'all, for reals, my pal did an awesome job. Check it:

She sent me a wicked assortment of delicious and adorable (two of my favorite adjectives) Asian candies, which I have promptly gobbled up and enjoyed thoroughly, some really awesome hand lotion which my dry ole hands are lovin', some kind of crazy green tea drink with little seeds in it that I'm just a little terrified of, but will probably drink anyway just to quell my curiosity, and a big honkin' ball of lovely recycled silk yarn (Another One Skein Wonder, anyone? It'll be my third.) all neatly wound and ready for action.

OH, and some CRACK for my baby boy:

Seriously, you didn't actually think she sent drugs to children, now did you? Note the evil look on his face, that says, Back up off it, bitch, I'ma cut you. He loves him some nip.

Thank you, thank you, thank you to my rockin' secret pal!


Shannon H. said...

Yay kitty crack! I used to get the fresh stuff from my mom's yard... The yarn looks so fun!

sunneshine said...

That is so cool!! Its so fun to see the packages come in!! And what a gorgeous cat...

Obsidian Kitten said...

love the crazy asian candies!

and that expression on your cat's face...priceless. cats on kitty crack--the best! lol