Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Contest entry with 6 days to spare!

Kat sent me this pattern to match with a song. It's a knitted lampshade! I am discovering that there is nothing that can't be turned into a knitting project! It's been nice to stop thinking about the election for a few moments to find a song match. I found one from one of the most talented bands of all time, Rush. Have you checked out their website? If not, you must go see. I had no idea they were still together and will be listening to their new album after I'm done posting this.

I picked the song, Limelight. The video is not the greatest but the tunage more than makes up for it. Enjoy!


DAWN said...

One of my all time Favorite Songs!!!

Life Junkie said...

Are we long lost sisters, maybe????

DAWN said...

For real!

Kathleen said...

Amazing pick!! I love it!